Exploring how our skull protects our brains

During our science lessons we have been learning about what our skeleton does. We know that
some parts of the skeleton, such as the skull, rib cage and pelvis provide protection and the spinal cord also protects some important nerves. 
We then thought more about how a delicate object can be protected. The task was to protect a chocolate teacake from damage. The children worked in teams where they were given 2x50p, 2x 20p and 2x10p to buy items they could use from the Maker trolley. To start with the children made their ‘skulls’ and had a tennis ball or bean bag to protect. For the final investigation this was swapped for a chocolate tea cake. 
The children practiced their scientific reviewing skills reporting on their findings and making adjustments to their ‘skull’ before the final try. 
Have a look at the photos to see how we got on…