Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies

We are proud to have strong relationships with our local SVP group at St Vincent’s Church. 
At St Marie’s school, we believe that our children are at the heart of real sustainable change as they are the future. 
The Mini Vinnies at St Marie’s school are all in Y5. They know that they can turn their concerns into action and that their prayers are also help for creating change. 
The Mini Vinnies are actively involved with the SVP group at St Vincent’s Church and have developed a group of Mini Vinnies who coordinate activities in school to raise awareness of social justice. This has included sending cards, posters and encouraging messages to those shielding or vulnerable in our local community.  
The idea grew and cards were sent to our local nursing homes and to all the parishes in our school community. A number of people sent thank you cards back to St Marie’s Mini Vinnies expressing their gratitude and thanks. 
Some members of the Mini Vinnies attended a healing mass in St Vincent’s just before the first lockdown and lead the music during this special mass.