On Thursday, Year 1 embarked on an epic Superhero day, filled with exciting adventures and thrilling challenges. A significant portion of this special day was dedicated to completing a sponsored challenge, aimed at raising funds for our Home and School Association.
The challenge was devised by none other than Doctor Doom, who set the stage with an exhilarating obstacle course. This course was no ordinary feat, as it featured four intense stations, each posing its unique set of challenges. The task was clear: with every station conquered, the children earned a valuable point.
Doctor Doom had an ultimatum for our young Superheroes: they needed to amass a grand total of 200 points to secure the money they had raised. Failure to meet this goal would result in the forfeiture of their hard-earned funds. The stakes were high, and the pressure was on.
However, Year 1 Superheroes rose to the challenge with determination, teamwork, and an unwavering spirit. They tackled the obstacle course with tenacity, amassing an impressive 248 points in total!
Their outstanding performance not only secured the money raised for the HSA but also showcased the incredible potential and resilience of our Superheroes in Year 1.
Congratulations to our Year 1 children for their victorious efforts in the sponsored challenge.
You’ve truly shown what it means to be a Superhero! 🌟👏