More fabulous photos from day 2!
Our second day in Eyam followed
our first night! Some of Y5 rose as early as the sun despite going to bed much
later than the sunset! Mrs Twomey and Mrs Bellamy gently encouraged everyone
back to bed to read their book until 7.15am before getting dressed and down for
an 8am breakfast.
Following a belly-full of
sausages, Y5 prepared for a day in Eyam village starting with a visit to the
church of St Lawrence and Eyam Museum to gather first-hand evidence of the time
of the plague and how the villagers made decisions and sacrifices at this time.
Everyone was incredibly respectful and well behaved, acting as true ambassadors
of St Marie’s School.
Everyone was delighted when it
was time for lunch and a play in the park and some even enjoyed a quick game of
football with Mr Grant with Mr Fernandes as the referee. Before long, it was
time to continue with an afternoon of learning with the opportunity of further
learning at Cutlet Delph, Merrill’s tomb, Lydgate graves and many other
landmarks that help us to understand more about the unique history of the
plague village. Before returning to the Youth Hostel for burger and chips, Y5
couldn’t resist ANOTHER play in the park! Why not!
Evening activities included
working with Hannah Lord from the Flying Fish Art Studio to create personalised
metal embossed artwork, searching the grounds of Eyam Youth Hostel for ghosts
and a splendid supper of cake, cake and more cake thanks to the kind donations
of Y5 parents. Y5 worked brilliantly in teams battling the rain to crack the
code. Well done Y5 for your resilience. The day ended with a candlelit liturgy
prepared by some of the children in Y5 and a peaceful reflection of spending
time with good friends.